At slow rates of change of egocentric direction—–as would often be true of slowly drifting clouds—–motion detection is poor. But change of relative location is more readily detected. The following experiment makes this point clearly. In a dark room, a single luminous spot can be set in motion at a speed below our threshold to detect its movement. If a second luminous stationary spot is introduced nearby, however, we immediately do see a spot in motion. Apparently, we are very sensitive to the changing distance between the two spots. Although we will tend to see one of the spots moving, we are equally often wrong as right as to which spot it is. In this experiment, the only usable motion information we are receiving is of a relative kind. Because such information is ambiguous, however, we cannot tell which object’s motion is producing the relative change. In the case of the moon and cloud, then, it is reasonable to suppose that the relative change of position between the two is paramount in our perception but that it is also ambiguous. Therefore, half of the time we should erroneously attribute the change to the moon’s motion. However, the moon will almost always appear to move when a cloud moves in front of it, not merely half the time. There is a further principle of induced motion that is applicable in this case. An object that surrounds another, or is much larger than it is, tends to be seen as stationary. The larger object therefore serves as a frame of reference with respect to which the relative displacement of other things is gauged. To prove this point, Karl Duncker, a Gestalt psychologist who pioneered investigation of induced movement in the late 1920s, varied the experiment just described by replacing the moving point by a moving luminous rectangle that surrounded the stationary luminous spot. The stationary spot appeared to move on every trial.